1999-05-30 ALA

International Edith Wharton Society

Minutes: Business Meeting at the American Literature Association,
Baltimore, MD, 5/30/99

Abby Werlock called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

She thanked Carole Shaffer-Koros for taking on the editorship of the Edith Wharton Review; the next issues will be out shortly.  She also thanked Donna Campbell for creating the Wharton Society website.

Abby conducted the election for the vacancy on the Executive Board.  Linda Costanzo Cahir, author of _Solitude and Society in the Works of Herman Melville and Edith Wharton_, was nominated; there were no further nominations from the floor, and Linda C. Cahir was elected.

The next matter of business was the choice of a second topic for next year’s ALA.  Helen Killoran suggested Marital Relations in Wharton’s work, especially as related to Wharton’s biography.  Elizabeth Keyser suggested
a panel on Eating and Orality in Edith Wharton.  The latter topic won; Elizabeth Keyser will be chairing.

Sharon Shaloo announced and briefly described the Wharton conference in Newport on June 21-25, 2000, mentioning its emphasis on the intersection of past and present in Wharton studies and on the role of Newport in
Wharton’s work.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Julie Olin-Ammentorp

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