2005-2006 Queries

2005-2006 Queries and Student Queries

2005 Queries

The Buccaneers: Where do Wharton’s chapters end?Edith Wharton’s last novel, “The Buccaneers,” was unfinished when she passed away. It has since been finished by another author and published. The only information given about how much is actually written by Edith Wharton, in the volume I have, is “the first 85,000 words.” However, I would like to know through which “Chapter” was written by Edith Wharton – without counting myself. I do not have time to search through the library for a more informative copy. Thanks.
Lesley Quarles 12/2/05
In Viola Hopkins Winner’s edition (which, unlike Marion Mainwaring’s, retains only Wharton’s original text), Wharton’s text ends with Chapter 27.The last words of Wharton’s text are these: “”Wherever the men are amused, fashion is bound to follow,” was one of Lizzy’s axioms; and certainly, from their future sovereign to his most newly knighted subject, the men were amused in Mayfair’s American drawing rooms.”Winner’s edition (U Virginia P) places Wharton’s original scenario for the book immediately after the end of the text so that readers can see Wharton’s plan.

D. Campbell, 4/14/06

“Indelible Incidents”?I am seeking the source of a phrase I remember as “indelible incidents”. It may have been in RWB Lewis’s EDITH WHARTON: A BIOGRAPHY. This may not be the exact phrase. Can anyone help me?Judith 11/27/05
Film of The Buccaneers?I would like to know where I can purchase the Masterpiece Theater adaptation of the Buccaneers. I’ve searched alot of places and it never seems to have been available for purchase. Would you know where I can get a dvd copy?Kelly Cross According to the Internet Movie Database, this is available on VHS but not on DVD.Update: 4/14/06. Apparently this series is now available on DVD from BBC Video.
Shari Benstock?I am trying to reach Shari Benstock, author of “No Gifts from Chance” regarding a documentary film on Edith Wharton. I have searched the University of Miami web site but she apparently is no longer there. Do you have any current contact information for her?Thank You!
Betsy BayhaBetsy.Bayha at Lucasfilm.com
She is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Modern Literature, so the journal may have an idea of how to reach her:http://www.iupress.indiana.edu/catalog/index.php?cPath=519_636. If readers have any ideas for contact addresses, please contact Ms. Bayha directly.
Henry John Cockayne Cust and WhartonI am researching the life of Henry John Cockayne Cust, (1861 – 1917), and I am told that he knew Edith Wharton and that she wrote about him. I have not yet found anything relevant and I wonder if anyone in the Society will be so kind as to tell me where I might look?
Kind regards.
Peter Warburton.  p.warburton@v21net.co.uk10/13/05
Is Waythorn Gay?In reading “The Other Two,” it seems as though there may be a suggestion that Waythorn is gay, or at least sexually ambiguous. There is never a suggestion that he has any sexual desire for his wife, and there seems to be more (sexual?) tension in his encounters with her former husbands than with her. I have not found very much written on this story. Has this reading of the text been considered before? Do others think that this reading may have some validity?Jennifer 10/9/05
Charles Dana Gibson and WhartonCharles Dana Gibson illustrations appeared in some of the same issues of Scribner’s in which Wharton’s serialized novels and short stories appeared. Was he commissioned to specifically illustrate any of her writing? Did they know one another? I have found reference to a short story called “The Other Two”. Any others? Thanks.
Barbara Kernan kernanbl@uwec.edu9/29/05
Age of Innocence film (1934)I am a graduate student and I’m doing an independent study on the adaptation of The Age of Innocence from book to film, from a decorative arts standpoint– the problem is, I cannot track down a copy of the 1934 film version!! Any clue how I can obtain a copy before it airs on AMC in mid-December? (the paper is due at the end of November!)Many thanks, Susan Flaherty,shutterbugsue@msn.com 9/29/05 Unfortunately, the same restrictions mentioned below hold true for the Age of Innocence film; it’s not on video or DVD, and copyright restrictions prevent anyone from making a copy for sale or trade. It’s possible that if someone saw the notice that the film was on TCM in August and taped it, the person could contact you and lend you a copy.Sorry.D. Campbell 9/29/05


Copies of Wharton dramatizations on video?I am especially interested in obtaining a video copy of “Afterward”, the wonderful PBS Mystery Series dramatization of a ghost story by Edith Wharton.Any info you have about finding this video would be much appreciated. My illustration teacher at FIT in New York City used to use her copy to aid her students in their research. Unfortunately, her copy was stolen.

Thank you. Sincerely,
Wendy Born Hollander

Unfortunately, the site for WGBH, which produces Mystery, doesn’t seem to have this title. Many of these adaptations from the 1980s aren’t readily available because they’ve never been released on VHS, and copyright law prohibits making copies for trading or sale even if someone had a copy from that period.Perhaps PBS would bring these Wharton adaptations out in a boxed set if PBS or WGBH received enough queries about them. We certainly receive questions about them here at the EWS site (see the Filmography page).If anyone knows how to solve this problem, please contact the site.

–Donna Campbell, 9/20/05

Wharton’s Home in Hyeres: Plans for Renovation? Question: I plan to visit Hyeres, France in November and plan to “visit” Edith Wharton’s former home there.  I’ve been told that the park is open to the public but that the chateau now houseslocal municipal offices. I had recently read in some article (I don’t remember which) that there were plans to renovate the chateau at Ste. Claire with the goal of it becoming, like The Mount, a place that fans of Edith Wharton could visit.  Is that true?Bonita E. Samuelson


If anyone has information about this, please send it to the EWS site. Thanks.
Back copies of the Edith Wharton Review?I’m interested in acquiring several past issues of the EW Review. Who can I contact about this? Thank you very much.Caroline Hellman 6/27/05 This is addressed on the FAQ page; you can order back issues through our mail-in form.6/27/05
Article from Edith Wharton Newsletter

I am having trouble locating the following article from the Edith Wharton Newsletter:  Adeline Tintner, “False Dawn and the Irony of Changes in Art,” 1984 1.2.  Could you please inform me how to access it online, or where I could get hold of a print version?Elizabeth B. Smith, Dept. of Art History exs11@psu.edu 6/17/05
Ordinarily articles from the Edith Wharton Newsletter (the early incarnation of theEdith Wharton Review) would have to be ordered through Interlibrary Loan or bycontacting Dale Flynn, membership chair of the Wharton Society.This particular article, however, is included as Chapter 17 of Adeline Tintner’sEdith Wharton in Context (U of Alabama P, 1999).D. Campbell 6/17/05
Copy of “Les Metteurs En Scene” in Frenchi am seeking a copy of Les Metteurs En Scene in the original french — is it currently published/in print/available in the USA?
corinnamay@mybluelight.com 5/6/05
This is an answer about “Les Metteurs en scène”.
The story can be bought on the French website
It costs about 8 euros (9 dollars)Véronique Hugel, bounespams-anglais@yahoo.fr
Translation of Wharton story 
I am seeking an english translation of LES METTEURS EN SCENE, a short story Mrs. Wharton wrote, in 1908, in french, for La Revue des deux mondes.  it was published in the october issue.
This question has been asked before; scroll down the page to find the answer.Since questions may be answered elsewhere on the site, using the search feature can also help with answers.5/6/05
Access to Wharton’s copies of Jane AustenI am working on a lengthy article on Edith Wharton’s unique contribution to the genre of the novel of manners, as originally popularized in England at the beginning of the 19th century by Jane Austen.  In “Edith Wharton’s Library” (Stone Trough Books, 1999), George Ramsden writes that the Beinecke Rare Book Library at Yale University possesses a first edition of Austen’s 1813 work “Pride and Prejudice” that belonged to Wharton.  If such a work exists (whether or not it is a first edition) and contains what can be assumed to be Wharton’s own markings of certain passages, this would be immeasurably useful to me.  However, the librarians at Yale tell me that they have no such work in their collection.  Does anyone have any information pertaining to the whereabouts and/or existence of this text?  Also, does anyone know how I might be able to get in touch with George Ramsden to ask him about this?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.Jennie Hann 4/28/05
Wharton’s stories written in FrenchI have a couple of questions about the, to my knowledge, only two short stories that Edith Wharton wrote in French (in 1908): Les Metteurs en scène and Lettres à L’ami francais. I know the first has been translated to English (by whom? Wharton herself?), but what about Lettres à L’ami francais, what is its title in English? The plot of her short story “The Letters” does not seem to fit well enough with the French title(The Letters to the French Friend, or something like it), and I cannot match any of her short stories to the French title. I’m sure it has been translated, the question is what title has the short story been given in English?
My next question is: In a review of the reprint of the above short stories in French (2001)by Philippe Romanski, in Cercles Revue pluridisciplinaire de monde anglophone, it is said that Les Metteurs en scène was published in 1908 in La Revue des deux mondes, and that in this magazine, at the same time, other texts were being published, much in the same style, or by other Americans in French(I am not sure which). It is also said that Henry James critisized her short story severely. She never again wrote in French. Does any one know what other texts are referred to, or what writers are referred to?I am most thankful for any help sorting out my questions.Regards,
Maria Strääf, Sweden.marst@isk.liu.se



I believe an English translation of “Les Metteurs en scene” appears in the two-volume collection of Wharton’s short stories, ed. R.W.B. Lewis (Scribner’s, 1968).Fred Wegener ( fwegener@csulb.edu )

This is an answer about the stories that Wharton wrote in French.
Les Metteurs en scène is the only story that she wrote in French. I don’t know if it has been translated; its two main characters are Le Fanois and Miss Lambart. Contrary to what Henry James pretended at the time it was published, it is an excellent story.

Lettres à l’ami français is not a short story, it is a collection of the letters that Wharton wrote between 1908 and 1930 to her friend Léon Bélugou. It is a very interesting book, because ih has excellent comments by Claudine Lesage, a French Wharton specialist, and because Bélugou was a very good friend of both Wharton and Fullerton at the time of their love affair. The letters are written in French and they show how fluent Wharton’s French was. This little book should really be in every university library, because it tells a lot about Wharton herself. I don’t think that it has been translated. I am writing a master’s thesis about the French translations of Wharton’s novels, and this gave me the opportunity to correspond with Madame Lesage. If you want to know more about Lettres à l’ami français, send me an e-mail, and I will give you her e-mail adress.

Véronique Hugel bounespams-anglais@yahoo.fr



Announcement: Wharton DNA Surname Project

The Wharton DNA Surname Project is seeking participation of members of the Philadelphia Wharton family (includes the Edward “Teddy” Wharton family into which Edith married).  This project is currently characterizing several genes of the paternally-inherited Y chromosome of several lineages using the name Wharton.  The results are a valuable tool for genealogists working to assess relationships among families with the same surname.  Participation is easy using simple cheek swabs that are provided and returned by mail.  For more information, contact Dr. Dan Wharton,pelhamdan@aol.com, or visit the Family Tree DNA websitewww.familytreedna.com.

First Editions of Wharton’s BooksQUESTION: I’ve been looking for a first edition, first issue of “Ethan Frome.” I found a few listed on websites and they all refer to the word “wearily” on page 135. Apparently, that word was printed differently on the first issue than the others, but I haven’t been able to find an explanation on the difference. I would appreciate your explanation. Also, in general is there a way to differenciate the first issues of the first editions from the other issues of Wharton’s books? Thanks.Carolina 1/1/05 According to Sumner and Stillman Antiquarian Booksellars, “Of the 6000 copies in the first printing [of Ethan Frome ], 2500 were issued with a gilt top edge and 3500 with a plain top edge; ‘wearily’ became battered during the first printing run.)” I own a plain top edge first edition of Ethan Frome in which part of the “w” and part of the “e” in the word “wearily” on page 135 are missing. Evidently the books in which “wearily” is printed perfectly are more valuable. I like to think my copy is more valuable for the happy accident that “wearily” is the word that was “battered” during the printing process, especially given the fate of the novel’s title character.Dan Hefko, Ball State University 1/4/05


You might try Stephen Garrison’s Edith Wharton: A Descriptive Bibliography(University of Pittsburgh Press, 1990). Descriptive bibliographies generally include information on the appearance of first editions.

Also, there are books that describe the current values of first editions; I don’t know know a specific title, but perhaps some readers of this space who collect books can provide suggestions. Such a book could explain the “wearily” distinction often mentioned in descriptions of first editions of Ethan Frome.

Here are some places to start answering these questions:

American Book Prices Current (site that sells CD of current book prices)
The frequently asked questions page of the Antique and Rare Books division of the American Library Association has a list of helpful books.
The Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association has helpful information and links.

D. Campbell, 1/1/05

2006 Queries

Age of Innocence: First Edition?I find that I have a 1920 D. Appleton and Company edition of The Age of Innocence. Could it possibly be a first edition? Thank you for any information.lucille warner, lucillesw@yahoo.com 12/11/06
“The Life Apart”I’m looking for a Wharton story called “The Life Apart,” and I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Might someone direct to a collection, or advise as to where it was initially published?Thank you.Billbscalia@lsu.edu 12/11/06
Wharton’s Rest CureLewis asserts that Wharton was never a patient of S. Weir Mitchell’s even though she did partake of a “rest cure.”Who was the doctor who prescribed the rest cure?Did she and Mitchell have any kind of relationship?

Any ideas as to how the legend arose that Mitchell prescribed novel writing as a form of therapy?

Yale Kramer, MD

ykramer1 at nyc.rr.com


Italian Backgrounds: 1907 reprinting?Question: I have a copy of Wharton’s Italian Backgrounds which all sources including LC Catalogue list as published 1905 but the title page of my copy is clearly marked New York/Charles Scribner’s Sons/MCMVII. On the verso is “Copyright 1905” etc. and “Published April, 1905.” Can someone verify that there was a 1907 reprinting of this work? If so, is the 1907 exactly like the 1905 in content and appearance? And were there later reprintings?With thanks,David Palmquist

Kinderhook NY USA, dpalmquist at nycap.rr.com 11/15/06

“Bewitched”I remember seeing a dramatization on television of Edith Wharton’s short story “Bewitched.” I would like to try to find this dramatization on either VCR or DVD format. Can anybody help? I don’t think it was titled “Bewitched” when it was aired. Thanks to all–it was a VERY creepy story. Kay Lord, kittykay1 at hotmail.com11/14/06
Edith Wharton, Fabric Designer?did Edith Wharton design fabric for Shumacher depicting the fable Le Meunier, son fils and l’ane ? I have come across a beautiful linen tapestry with Edith Wharton listed as a credit.Thanks, Betsy Jackson 10/23/06
Address of Pavillon ColombeDear Madams, dear Sirs,I would like to ask if you may give me the address of Edith Wharton’s house in St. Brice sous forêt near by Paris, becaus I would like to visit it.
Or do you have some other information about the house, whether there is a museum etc.?Thank you very much, I am a fascinated reader of Edith Wharton from Germany

Kind regards
Anja Koenenanjabip at gmx.de

The only information we have is that the house is on the rue Edith Wharton. It’s a private residence, so as far as I know there is no museum there.http://www.saintbrice95.fr/ville/histoire/demeures/33.htmD. Campbell
Macmillan Edition (1907) Madame de TreymesAs part of an auction lot we’ve come across a first UK edition of Madame de Treymes published by Macmillan in 1907 in orange boards. We can’t find references anywhere to this edition – are you able to shed any light for us please? Many thanks. Mark Crockermark at mcrocker.co.uk


Wharton allegoryThere is a very short short story Edith Wharton wrote, it is an allegory. A young woman leaves her childish comrades with a male companion to learn what exists beyond the community of the uninquisitive in which she lives. Does anyone recall the name of this story and does anyone know in what book, if any, it was first published.
I just finished teaching my students Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, and I thought this feminist allegory written by Wharton would be of interest to them.
J. Balgley portjosh at aol.com10/8/06
This is in The Valley of Childish Things and Other Emblems.–D. Campbell
Wharton: American face like a football?Edith Wharton once made a comment about the American face and likened it to (I think) a football. I would appreciate the exact quote and the source. Was it Custom of the Country?Thanks.Jeanne Farewell

JeanneFarewell at suscom.net, 10/7/06

The quote is from “Madame de Treymes” and says that the American face is as “unexpressive as a football.”Nick Nicholson10/28/08
Summer (1981) Movie: Available?My daughter was in the TV movie “Summer” in 1981.  I would like to obtain a copy of the movie for her, for her 36th birthday this October.  The movie was filmed in 1990 – some of it in New Hampshire.  Any idea where I can find a copy?Marilyn Wood
emontpelier at yahoo dot com


This is one of the most frequently asked questions at the site. Unfortunately, those Wharton films from the early 1980s are not currently available. If anyone has other information, please contact the site.I’ve also put this query on Wharton News and Notes in case that reaches a wider or different audience. –D. Campbell
“Roman Fever”I’m going to be teaching “Roman Fever” for the first time and was wondering if anyone has a guidline that they like use to do a class discussion on it. I’ve got a great deal of time to be able to devote to it (My Comp 2 class is a two-hour and forty minute affair – I’m shooting for at least an hour), and want to be able to make it as interesting for my students as it is for myself.
I want to do the work justice – the questions I have developed come from a basic understanding of Wharton and the text, having only read one book of her shorter fiction , so I’m looking for help from the experts Side Note – I wish I hadn’t dropped Singley’s class when I was at Rutgers. Guess I just wasn’t ready for Wharton at the time.Thanks,Dan Garavuso, scarletfire74 at gmail.com


Wharton and ElectricityHi all,
Is there someone who’s written on electricity in Wharton’s works? I seem to recall hearing a conference paper about this years ago, but I didn’t find anything when on the MLA bibliography.Thanks in advance,
Meredith Goldsmith
Assistant Professor of English
Ursinus College
mgoldsmith at ursinus dot edu
There was a paper given at the Newport conference on this:“100-Watt Wharton: Electric Lighting in The House of Mirth,” Peter Betjemann, Princeton University
“The Confessional”Is there any printed edition of the short story “The Confessional”?Thank you for your help
Giulietta Bertoni8/23/06
EW at the Paris World’s Fair of 1889?For a book about the Paris World’s Fair of 1889, I wonder if anyone can tell me if Edith Wharton was a visitor and if there are any of her letters or journals from the summer of 1889 describing her visit.jill jonnes jonnes at starpower dot com8/23/06
Pavillon Colombe open?Would you be kind enough and let me know whether the Pavillion Colombe in Saint Brice is open to the public. Many thanks, kind regards, Ingrid Christophersen  Sorry, but Pavillon Colombe is privately owned and not open to the public.–D. Campbell
Edition of Madame de TreymesAs part of an auction lot we’ve come across a first UK edition of Madame de Treymes published by Macmillan in 1907 in orange boards. We can’t find references anywhere to this edition – are you able to shed any light for us please? Many thanks.Mark Crockermark at mcrocker.co.uk 8/23/06


Letters from Wharton to Morton Fullerton
I am doing research for a film and wanted to know the specifics in regard to the discovery or the letters of Edith Wharton to Morton Fullerton which are now housed at the University of Texas in Austin. I would like to know the following:When were the letters discovered? (mm/dd/yy if possible)Where were they discovered? What city or town? More specifically, were they in a desk drawer, an attic, etc.

Who discovered them?

Any other information would be greatly appreciated.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Daniel Lettieri


Here are some articles that will provide this information:Price, Kenneth M., and Phyllis McBride. “‘The Life Apart’: Texts and Contexts of Edith Wharton’s Love Diary.” American Literature 66.4 (1994): 663-88.Colquitt, Clare. “Unpacking Her Treasures: Edith Wharton’s ‘Mysterious Correspondence’ with Morton Fullerton.” Library Chronicle of the University of Texas 31 (1985): 73-107.

Gribben, Alan. “‘the Heart Is Insatiable’: A Selection from Edith Wharton’s Letters to Morton Fullerton, 1907-1915.” Library Chronicle of the University of Texas 31 (1985): 7-18.

You might also want to check R. W. B. Lewis and Nancy Lewis’s edition of Wharton’s letters; see also R. W. B. Lewis’s and Shari Benstock’s biographies of Wharton and Marion Mainwaring’s The Mysteries of Paris: The Quest for Morton Fullerton.

–D. Campbell


Epigraph of Age of InnocenceIn a Norton Classical Edition of “The Age of Innocence” there is an article by Jennifer Rae Greeson discussing three outlines of “The Age…” Edith Wharton wrote before its final publication. The editor (Candace Waid) remarked that shortly before this volume was published Jennifer Rae Greeson doscovered a sort of epigraph (in quotation marks) on the last of the original outlines, on the top of the page. It is probably written in Arabic. Can somebody tell me what this short quotation means?
thank you
MAGDALENA PERDEKmagdalen22 at poczta.fm



“Sara” or “Sally” Clayburn in “All Souls”?Wharton’s short story ‘All Souls” describes what happened to the character named Sara Clayburn. In the Library of America 2001 edition (Collected Stories 1911-1937) p.799 appears the name ‘Sally Clayburn’ instead. This name isn’t repeated in the rest of the story and, if I’m not mistaken, doesn’t refer to any other possible character. Is it a mistake, or should I reread the text to understand it better?Armelle Chastrusse, chastrusse at hotmail.com 6/28/06 She is referred to both as ‘Sara’ and ‘Sally’ by the narrator. The first time she is referrred to as ‘Sally’ – it what appears to be an attempt to show how close they were, but in the rest of the story she is called ‘Sara’. I think this is to reinforce the notion that this is an unreliable narrator, who does not know his/her cousin well, which in turn lessens the credibility of the coven reading of the text – which is clearly not Sara’s view of what happened that weekend.sarah whitehead, 3-31-07
Quotation about “little old dog”
I’m working for a giftbook publisher, and we are considering using an Edith Wharton quote on one of our products (the application is in process!) and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what poem/title this line comes from:”My little old dog: a heartbeat at my feet.”I’d be grateful if someone with the answer could email me at mia.kilroy at exleypublications.co.uk.

Thank you,

Mia. 6/28/06

This quotation and its source are discussed on the Queries 2003 page.
Wharton and Praslin CaseLove Wharton’s work and was particularly interested in finding out that she worked on an unfinished novel regarding the 1847 Praslin Murder in Paris (as Bette Davis’ had a starring role in the screen adaption of Wharton’s “The Old Maid”; she also starred in “All This and Heaven, Too” about the Praslin Murder). I have an interest in this 19th Century Victorian scandal and was wondering if Wharton’s novel about the case would warrant publication, even though it was unfinished. I am curious to know what her interest was in the case.Betty, 6/8/06


Summer: Date of publication in London & EuropeSUMMER, date of first publication in London. Does anyone know the exact date this novel was first published in London or Europe?
many thanks
Alison Brown alisonbrown4 at aol.com 6/8/06
The standard reference for finding information like this would be Stephen Garrison’s Edith Wharton: A Descriptive Bibliography (1991).
Quotation source: “could not sleep in a room with a book containing a ghost story”?There is a quote attributed to Ms. Wharton — “Until I was twenty-seven, I could not sleep in a room with a book containing a ghost story” — Did she actually say this and in where can the quote be found, e.g., in a preface, biography, one of her short stories or novels, etc.S Molini, 5/31/06 The whole quotation reads: But how long the traces of my illness lasted may be judged from the fact that, till I was twenty-seven or eight, I could not sleep in the room with a book containing a ghost story, and that I have frequently had to burn books of this kind, because it frightened me to know that they were downstairs in the library!The passage can be found on page 1080 of Wharton s autobiographical fragment Life and I, which was published in _Edith Wharton: Novellas and Other Writings_ edited by Cynthia Griffin Wolff. The passage can also be found on page 303 of an excerpt of “Life and I” published as An Autobiographical Postscript in _The Ghost Stories of Edith Wharton_.–Daniel Hefko, 6/8/06
“The Old Maid”: “Prequel” to The Age of Innocence?I have only recently had the pleasure and privelege of becoming more aquainted with Wharton’s body of work. “Age of Innocence” as been a favorite of mine for a number of years. About 2 weeks ago, I read her “Old New York” novellas….wow! My question stems from “The Old Maid”… is this story meant to be a “pre-quel” of sorts to “Age”? Any insight or rec. reading suggestions would be so very appreciated!
James Emery, Bushfighter1 at hotmail.com5/18/06
Edith Wharton Review: Indexes?I would like to know what academic indexes the Edith Wharton Review is listed with (MLA, Current Contents/Arts & Humanities, etc.). Thank you for your help.Sincerely,

Matthew Gumpert

The Edith Wharton Review is indexed in the MLA Bibliography. If readers know of other academic indexes in which it’s listed, please contact the site.
Permission to use Wharton’s worksI’m writing from Exley giftbooks in Watford, London, and we are interested in using a Wharton quote on one of our 3D products (a giftbag), and I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction as to whom I could apply to. Is there an agent or estate that deals with her permissions to use her work?Thank you for your assistance,all the best,

Mia Kilroy.

You would need to contact the Watkins/Loomis agency; the address is on our FAQ page.
Wharton’s works to read at a weddingHello,
I am getting married this July and having a non-religious ceremony. We would like to include some readings from our favorite authors, Edith Wharton being one of mine. I am having a difficult time finding an excerpt about love from her works that would be appropriate, do you have any suggestions?
Thank you so much,
HeatherHeather Singmastersingmaster at gmail.com 5/18/06
You’ll probably receive several responses to this but among those that might work are these:Newland Archer’s words to Ellen Olenska in The Age of Innocence (the passage in which he says, “Each time you happen to me all over again.”
Some of Wharton’s poems
Some of her writings to Morton Fullerton–D. Campbell
Keillor’s ‘Almanac’ attribution of 25 Feb 06Poem: “When I am gone, recall my hair” by Edith Wharton from Edith Wharton: Selected Poems. © The Library of America. Reprinted with permission. (buy now)When I am gone, recall my hair

When I am gone, recall my hair,
Not for the light it used to hold,
But that your tough, enmeshed there,
As turned it to a younger gold….

Is there something missing? is there an error, in the third line? JRT Moorejrtmenviro at yahoo.com


“Tough” should probably be “touch,” and “As” should be “Has,” but if anyone with the book can confirm this, please write to the site.
Discussion Questions on The ReefIn about three weeks I will be leading a reading group discussion about The Reef and would be most grateful for questions to use or any source where I might find questions or discussions that will help me formulate questions for the discussion. Thank you.Gloria Zimmerman, gloriazimm28 at aol.com 4/15/06 There is a summary and some questions here, but more are always welcome:http://www.edithwhartonsociety.org/disc/id17.htm
Poverty and Prosperity in Edith Wharton’s WorksI am researching poverty and prosperity as they shape feminine roles in early 20th century American society and as they are reflected in Edith Wharton s The Age of Innocence (1920), Summer (1917), House of Mirth (1905), Old New York (1924), and Ethan Frome (1912).
Any economic or critical sources that Wharton Society Members can suggest would be greatly appreciated.Charlotte Hudgins4/13/06
Lowell Barrington and Ethan FromeWhile researching information on “Ethan Frome” I came across the name Lowell Barrington as a person who wrote a dramatization of the novella (which Owen & Donald Davis later based their dramatization on). I cannot find any information on Mr. Barrington. Does anyone have any suggestions or know when he wrote his version of “Ethan”?James Eimont, eimont at ucc.edu


“Red gold and myrrh” in “The One Grief”Could someone please explain the reference to’tribute of red gold and myrrh’ at the end of Wharton’s poem ‘The One Grief’? I assumed a biblical reference at first but don’t quite see the connection. Thank you.Julia Dickmann, julia.dickmann at btinternet.com4/13/06
“Beatrice Palmato” criticismI am currently researching my Masters dissertation on Edith Wharton particularly representations of art, money and gender/sexuality in The House of Mirth and The Custom of the Country. I am hoping to draw in the extract “Beatrice Palmato” but am struggling to find any criticism on the text that focusses on the explicit sexuality without recourse to the incestuous nature of it. The only article I can find is Reinaldo Francisco Silva’s “Eroticizing the Other in Edith Wharton’s “Beatrice Palmato””, can anyone recommend anything else, or even another example of such extraordinary explicitness on the part of Wharton? Thanks for your help.Kate Ashton, kateashton179 at hotmail.com4/7/06 Here are three articles on it, including the one that you mentioned. See also Cynthia Griffin Wolff’s A Feast of Words, which discusses this fragment.Lauer, Kristin O. “Is This Indeed ‘Attractive’? Another Look at the ‘Beatrice Palmato’ Fragment.” Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 11.1-2 (1990): 1-8.—. “Is This Indeed ‘Attractive’? Another Look at the ‘Beatrice Palmato’ Fragment.” Edith Wharton Review 11.1 (1994): 26-29.

Silva, Reinaldo Francisco. “Eroticizing the Other in Edith Wharton’s ‘Beatrice Palmato’.” Mentalities/Mentalites 19.1 (2005): 38-45.


Wharton’s WWI essaysEdith Wharton’s WWI essays. I will appreciate help locating any of the essays she wrote about/during the war.Thanks, Beverly Simpson bsimpson at rcn.com3/21/06


Regarding Wharton’s World War I essays: those she published in Scribner’s Magazine were collected in the volume _Fighting France_. (This is out of print but can probably be obtained through Interlibrary Loan.) She wrote many other articles as well, some of which are collected in Appendix B of my 2004 book, _Edith Wharton’s Writings from the Great War_ (University Press of Florida).
–Julie Olin-Ammentorp, 4/7/06
Real-life Undine Spragg?Among the many candidates who might be possible real-life sources/inspirations/models for the figure of Undine Spragg in The Custom of the Country, has Ethel Tree Beatty ever been suggested?She was the ambitious, rich and American-born wife of the English WWI Admiral Sir David Beatty. To marry Beatty, she abandoned claim to her son by her first husband. When he died some years later, she had a messenger inform her son (then at his father’s bedside) that after the death he would need to come with her. She also had to pull strings to be received at the Royal Court, because the divorced were generally not received by the monarch.

She had two children during her marriage with Beatty, one of whom was generally known not to have been Sir David’s.

There are other details in her life that suggest her as a model for Undine.

As a longtime Wharton reader and admirer, I would appreciate any guidance.

Douglas Haneline, hanelind at ferris.edu 3/21/06


Theatre Adaptations of Wharton’s WorksHello – I’m looking for any recommendations for theatre adaptations of Wharton’s novels. We’re a new London-based company looking specifically for adaptations of female writers’ work. If anyone has any recommendations, I would love to hear them, particularly if they have yet to be produced in the UK. Louise Hilllouisechill at hotmail.com The Mint Theater Company in New York has put on several adaptations of Wharton’s works and might have suggestions.If readers have other suggestions, please send them to the site.***Update 3/24/06****

Regarding Louise Hill’s inquiry about theater adaptations of Wharton novels:  Mint Theater Company in New York has published the dramatization of The House of Mirththat Wharton wrote herself in 1906, along with playwright Clyde Fitch.  The Mint text revises the play somewhat using material from the novel.  Mint also has a copy of the Margaret Ayer Barnes’ 1928 dramatization of The Age of Innocence.  For more information please contact Mint Artistic Director Jonathan Bank: jbank at minttheater.org


Dear Ms. Hill: I would like to recommend my play/adaptation of BUNNER SISTERS based on Wharton’s early New York City novella. It just received “rave” reviews at The New York Society Library (the first library established in New York City, 1754) and at The Salmagundi Club (the first watercolor society in New York City, 1871) where two staged readings of the work were presented – October 24 & 25 of 2006. It has yet to travel to England. My other works have been seen off-broadway, in regional theaters and on television where one received two Emmy awards. I can be reached at lselman@nyc.rr.com.

Most sincerely, Linda Selman 1/1/07


Edith Wharton–travel to San Francisco?Did Edith Wharton ever visit San Francisco?Deborah Doyle zorrah at well.com 3/9/06
Wharton’s family–New York?Can you tell me if Edith Wharton’s family originated in New York City society and if the family name is related to the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. I know from my own New Jersey family that many of the old names came from one root. I am thinking of Vanevar Bush and George Bush both also from Massachusetts history. Thank you for you reply.Carolyn Gill 3/5/06
People resembling their housesIn a memoir, A Place in the Country, by Laura Shaine Cunningham, she writes that Wharton wrote that  people became their houses, even looked like them. Cunningham, of course, gives no citation. Does this ring true with you and do you have any ideas as to where I might find this thought. Thank you in advance for your consideration.Judith Church Tydings
jtydings at xecu dot net


Edith Wharton’s dogsI’m the author of a series of books for young people about Impressionist painters and their circle (“Charlotte in Giverny,” “Charlotte in Paris,” “Charlotte in New York”) published by Chronicle Books. Now Charlotte is off to Italy where she meets Edith Wharton. Charlotte loves dogs and has a Brussels Griffon named Toby. I’d like to know more about Edith Wharton and her dogs. Did she have any breeds other than Papillons? What are some of the names she gave her dogs? Many thanks! Joan KnightJoan M. KnightJKMacGriff at aol.com 2-10-06 To the reader interested in Edith Wharton’s dogsYou may be interested to know that the graves of several of her dogs are on a hill at her estate in the Berkshires (The Mount). The small, elegant tombstones bear French and English names and sweet, short farewells or tributes.
–Karen Noske, 4/13/06
Scarcity of French Ways and their MeaningCan you inform me as to the scarcity of dust jacketed copies of the first UK edition of ‘French Ways and their Meaning’ London,1919?Used book sites on the internet all seem not to have seen a dust jacketed copy of “French Ways and their Meaning”. Is it really that scarce?
B Benneworth

b.benneworth at btinternet.com 2-10-06

Berkshire Evening Eagle Article on Sledding Accident (Ethan Frome)I’m about to begin a unit on Ethan Frome and I found a reference to a March 12, 1904 article in the Berkshire Evening Eagle about a fatal coasting accident that may have served as inspiration for the accident in Ethan Frome. Would the Society have such an article, and if so, how may I attain a copy? Thank you.
P.S. The reference to the article is in The Glencoe Literature Library Study Guide for Ethan Frome.
Thomas Ross
Language Arts Department
Danbury High School, Danbury, Conn.rossth at danbury.k12.ct.us
We don’t have this available on the Wharton Society site, but it can be found in a widely used edition of Ethan Frome: Kristin O. Lauer and Cynthia Griffin Wolff’s Ethan Frome (Norton Critical Edition), published by W. W. Norton in 1995, pages 86-90.–D. Campbell


The Berkshire Evening Eagle article on the sledding accident is also included as an appendix to the Penguin Classics edition of ETHAN FROME–or at least it used to be (I haven’t seen the most recent re-printing).

— F. Wegener 2-8-06

Countess Olenska: Part of the Money Plot?I have been trying to research Countess Olenska’s contribution to the triangle in “Age of Innocence”, but no reviewers or discussions on the internet ever concede that she may have been part of the plot to get the money from the grandmother to return to Europe and live their “on her terms”.
Can you recommend a website where I can pursue this?jeanne haigis pedler 1/23/06

2005 Student Queries

Paper topics on SummerI am writing a paper on Summer by Edith Wharton and wanted to know if you have any ideas for a paper. I was thinking of doing how Mr Royal and Charity are both sturggling to fit in with the different social classes. Any help or ideas?
thanks in advance
Have you checked with your teacher about your topic? The idea you have might work for your paper, if it were to be fleshed out more fully.12/25/05
Please email me some articles on SummerQuestion: Can you please email me artciles that are on Summer by Edith Wharton on this site. I am having trouble navigating the website and i need to find three articles on Summer by Edith WHarton. They can be about anything. Thank youYael No, we don’t have articles online at this site, and we thus can’t email them to you. See the FAQ page for some suggestions about getting articles online, or look at the response a few panels below this one.12/25/05
“Terminus”I am trying to find the poem ‘Terminus’, but cannot find it…Liesje V. lvhoeck@scarlet.be 11/29/05 Here are two answers from the “Queries 1999” page at the site:”Terminus” is reprinted in R. W. B. Lewis’s biography of Edith Wharton, pp. 259-260.  — Sarah Bird Wright   10/28/99

This poem is included in the newly-published, two-volume “American Poetry: The Twentieth Century”, by Library of America.
Marjorie A. Zitomer  3/31/00


Since it is probably still under copyright, “Terminus” is not reprinted at this site.

You can often find an answer to a question like this by using the Search feature at the site (see navigation bar at left for the search feature).

Which book is based on her life?I was wondering which of Wharton’s books is based most on her own life experiences? Which of her books’ plots resembles her own life?
–B. Power 10/14/05
Wharton’s biographies may help you to answer this question, and her autobiography, A Backward Glance, should be especially helpful. There isn’t one novel in particular that echoes her life story, but her observations and experiences appear in all of her books.
Wharton: more creative in city or country?Could you please send me a link or tell me in a few words how did the countryside inspire Edith in her writings?
Thank you,
Note: This question has recently been asked several more times, and no more queries on this subject will be posted. If a reader or an EWS member would like to reply, please send your response to the site.
Please summarize “Roman Fever” for me
I’m going to graduate in next month. Now, i have to review my lession. My subjects i will do in this final exam are: Semantic and American Literature.
Would you please help me to state the essay and summarize ” Roman Fever” of Edith Wharton.
I look forward to waiting your helping as soon as possible.
Thank you very much.
Best and regards,
My My. quyenmi@vnn.vn
If a reader would like to respond, please send the summary to this site as well as to the person making the request.We get this kind of question a lot at the site; it’s addressed on the FAQ page. In short: If there’s a summary on the site, you can find it under Summaries; if there isn’t, your request will be posted so that readers can respond, but it may or may not receive an answer, depending on who reads it and posts a reply.

There are excerpts from critical articles on “Roman Fever” under Classroom -> Excerpts from Criticism; you can also find them by typing “Roman Fever” into theSearch feature.

Edith Wharton’s Erotic StoryI am searching for a piece of literature that Edith Wharton wrote that to some would be considered pornographic. I was given a copy by a professor many years ago when he found out she was my favorite author. I cannot find that page now and I have no idea which short story or book it came from. The basic scenerio was a man and woman in a study bursting to consummate their lusts and explore each other. If someone could please help me locate this piece, I would like to revisit it at this time. Heidi Bauerhidlyn@comcast.net10-8-05 This would probably be a reference to her fragment “Beatrice Palmato.”  The fragment is reprinted in Cynthia Griffin Wolff’s A Feast of Words .
Ethan Frome and NaturalismHi. I am writing a paper for my american lit. class on Ethan Frome. More specifically, how the idea of Naturalism plays a part in the novel and how no matter what Ethan does he can not change his fate because of Naturalism. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone here knew of any really good sites to find information that would help me. Anything you think of would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!Heather 9/21/05
Source of Edith Wharton QuotationsDoes anyone know the source of Edith Wharton’s quotes, “If only we stop trying to be happy, we could have a pretty good time.” and “my little dog, a heartbeat at my feet.” Thank you!K Mack 9/15/05 If you search this site (click on the search bar at left), you can find an answer to the second one; it has been answered on the Queries 2003 page.If any readers have a source for the first quotation, please contact the site. Thanks.
Book club discussion questions for The Buccaneers? Question: Our book club will be discussing “The Buccanneers”.  What information or study questions could you send me for our discussion?
Thank you. Pat Carpenter 7/30/05
Unfortunately, we don’t have any questions for The Buccaneers, although we have discussion questions and summaries for other works.Wharton Society members and others knowledgeable about Wharton’s work: Please contact the site if you’d be willing to provide questions for this or other books for which no questions are currently available. These include the following:

The Glimpses of the Moon
Her Son
House of Mirth


Wharton and NatureI am working on an ecocritical paper involving Edith Wharton’s views on nature/naturalism and how these images reflect in her AGE OF INNOCENCE. What was her educational background in nature? Anything formal? How did she come about her affinity for nature?Thanks,
Phil Purser



Wharton was very interested in gardening and in natural history; see, for example, Italian Villas and Their Gardens and other works. She had also read the work of Darwin and other scientists. Her letters and the biographies of her should give you a good introduction. Other EWS members may have more information.D. Campbell


List of Wharton’s NovellasI am seeking a bibliographic list of Wharton’s novellas as distinguished from her novels.
Thank You. Karr Editorial, LLC6/30/05
Critics tend to agree that the following 12 titles could be considered as novellas because of their length:
– Fast and Loose (writ. 1877, publ. 1977)
– Bunner Sisters (writ. 1892, publ. 1916)
– The Touchstone (1900)
– Sanctuary (1903)
– Madame de Treymes (writ. 1906, publ. 1907)
– Ethan Frome (1911)
– Summer (1917)
– The Old Maid (1921)
– New Year’s Day (1922)
– False Dawn (1923)
– The Spark (1923)
– Her Son (1932)A. Heiglmaier


Psychological Criticism on “The Other Two”i am writting a paper on The Other Two and i was wondering what you knew about the psychological critism on it? like as far as the society being the superego, Waythorn being the ego??? 6/27/05 You can find excerpts from some criticism on “The Other Two” by clicking on Classroom -> Excerpts from Criticism.
Best works of Edith Wharton?I would like to know what i mean in your point of view the best works of Whartonsilviastarscarmoon@yahoo.com There’s a list of recommended works here and a list of Wharton’s favorite works on the FAQ page. Those most often described as the best include The House of Mirth, Ethan Frome, The Custom of the Country, and The Age of Innocence; “Roman Fever” and “The Other Two” would be among her best stories.
Title of The ReefWhy did Wharton choose the title “The Reef”? Is it symbolic? If so, of what is it a symbol?Thank you,
Lincoln Mullen
“Roman Fever” in Spanish Question: Please, help me find the translation of “Roman fever” in Spanish! I’ve tried to order it from Columbia and Venezuela but it was not possible.Isn’t the book available in Spain?
Thank you.
A Spanish translation of Edith Wharton’s “Roman Fever”  appears to be
available in at least a couple of books published in the  1940s:
Fiebre  Romana.  Buenos Aires: W.M. Jackson  Inc., 1946.
Cuentistas  Norteamericanos.  Ed. Herschel  Brickell.  Buenos Aires: W.M.
Jackson,  1945, 1946.
Both are listed on WorldCat and may be available for interlibrary loan
through your local public and/or university library.–Dan Hefko, 6/16/05
Symbolism and Imagery in Ethan FromeI am writing a term paper on the symbolism and imagery in Ethan Frome and I am looking for either online articles on this subject or a few really good books on this topic. Any suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated.Nicole nicolerburns@hotmail.com 4.5.05
Ethan FromeHi, my name is Francesco Composto and I’m a student at FTHS. I am doing a research paper which requires an interview with an expert. Can you answer these five questions and if not direct me to some one who can? It’s greatly appreciated! Oh, I’m doing the paper on Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton.1.What symbols did you notice in the book?
2. What were they symbolic of?
3. What did you think Ethan and Mattie could have done instead of killing themselves?
4. Do you think Ethan could symbolize Edith’s life?
5. How else could the factors like objects and the setting in Ethan Frome characterize him?

Francesco Composto

P.S. the answers dont have to be long or too in depth please respond by tuesday! Thank you so much.

Films and plays of Wharton’s works: 1) have any films based on EW’s works been made other than House of M., Age of Inn., Ethan Frome?
2) Have any of her short stories been made into films?
3) Have any of her short stories been made  into plays that a play-reading group could use?I would be most grateful for any replies.  Thank you! Lisa G. Tyre lisat333@aol.com 3/29/05
You can find the answers to the first two questions in the Frequently Asked Questions page on the site, as they are among the questions most often asked by site visitors. You can also try the search feature, which would bring up the list of films made from her work.3/29/05 
Spanish translation of “Roman Fever”I’d like to know if there is a translation, in Spanish,of Roman Fever.3/22/05 There’s an answer to this a few panels above this one.
Ethan Frome and Freud’s theory of repressionHow did Wharton’s early childhood and novel Ethan Frome relate to Freud’s theory of repression?
Finding articles on Wharton?QUESTION: Hi i was wondering how i can find these articles. I see the bibliographies but is there anyway i have find and read the actual articles such as
: Hays, Peter L. “Undine Is Us: Wharton’s Attack on American Greed.” Etudes Anglaises: Grande-Bretagne, Etats-Unis {Paris, France}47.1 (1994 Jan-Mar): 22-31 Please let me know thank you so much.
Your best bet is to use the Interlibrary Loan office at your university or local library; you can order the articles from there if they’re not available at your local library.Here’s some information from the FAQ page on online sources:

The best criticism on Wharton is published in books and peer-reviewed journals rather than online. Many peer-reviewed journals are available online, however, through services such as ProQuest or Project Muse.  If you’re a college or university student, or if you live near a college or university, the university library will be your best source for criticism on Wharton.  Most libraries will have several of the journals and books listed in the Wharton bibliographies. If not, they can be ordered through Interlibrary Loan.

Many libraries will have access to FirstSearch, which includes the MLA Bibliography, and they will also have one or more of the following full-text databases. You can go to your local university library’s home page and see which of these resources are available to you. However, these resources are generally available by subscription; they are free only on-campus or to registered students and faculty.

  • Project Muse (Journals from Johns Hopkins University Press)(muse.jhu.edu)
  • Ebsco
  • Expanded Academic Index
  • Ingenta/UnCover (charges a fee of $12 and up for each article delivered)
  • UMI ProQuest Direct
  • JStor (www.jstor.org) (Back issues of journals, including American Literature
  • Omni Full-Text Mega
  • Gale Group Literary Index includes Dictionary of Literary Biographyand other reference works, such as the Twayne series; here’s a list of its resources on Edith Wharton
  • NetLibrary offers two or three book-length critical studies of Edith Wharton, including Hildegard Hoeller’s Edith Wharton’s Dialogue with Realism and Sentimental Fiction, but you or your school must be a subscriber to access them. It also includes the publicly accessible text collection from the University of Virginia, but that is already available for free from the links on the Works page.

If you do not have a local library or a university affiliation, you can try findarticles.com (free) or Questia ($20 per month).

Women in The Age of InnocenceIn the world of Edith Wharton’s “The Age of Innocence” the acceptable course for a young women’s life was as rigid as her corsets (which stand by themselves)” (Stuart Hutchinson)Explore Wharton’s presentation of women in the novel.

Michelle Niblock 1/15/05

This sounds like a paper topic. There are many ways to discuss Wharton’s presentation of women in the novel, and some of the summaries and secondary sourcesshould help you.1/19/05
Who were Ellen Olenska’s other aunts? 
I know that there were three or more aunts that took care of Ellen Olenska one which is Medora Manson.  My question is what were the three of four other aunts?
Thank youAlly
IXxLitaxXI@hotmail.com 1/19/05
There’s an extended discussion of Ellen’s aunts in the Replies on the Queries 2001 page.
Wharton’s Criticism of Society
I’m writing a paper for school about how Edith Wharton openly criticized the society she grew up in.  Are there any sites where I could find infromation about this specifically?  So far, I’ve found mostly biographical information, which I don’t really need.
Kelly Clark 1/10/05
The biographical information should provide some clues; also, many of the works on Wharton discuss this question, at least indirectly. You might try Edith Wharton’s Social Register,which discusses her social milieu.

2006 Student Queries

“Chemins Parcourus” in EnglishHello, I was interested in reading Edith Wharton’s “Chemins Parcourus”. Is there an English Version for it or did it only come out in French. I would very much appreciate a reply, I have been searcing for the book all over online, but I don’t know the title in English for it.
Thank you!Anaxangel_pkrk04@yahoo.com, 12/11/06
Send me some articlesAs a foreign college student majoring in English and Literature, I am going to write a essay on The Age of Innocence by Mrs Edith Wharton as my graduation essay. I desperately want to know some major critical essays on this novel written by professional critics, so would anyone help me and send some essays to my email address? Thanks a lot!!Beatrix Liusencruise@126.com, 12/11/06 Sorry–we can’t send articles. See the FAQ.
Edith Wharton’s Importancewhat is Edith Wharton’s literary importance? and shwy should we be studying this writer (Edith Wharton)?katie hyunyoung17@hotmail.com 11/29/06 You can find part of the answer here.
Irony in “Roman Fever”: What is the irony in “Roman Fever”?
Chealse Pual, 11/29/06
Age of Innocence and ConsumerismI’d like to do some research on The Age of Innocence in terms of consumerism/ fetishism. Could you recommend me some books on this subject?Maxine Hung, 10/23/06
“Interview” with Edith Whartonim doing a report on edith wharton and i have to do an interview with her but i have to find the answers of what she would say i was wondering if you could help me? ashley10/23/06 If you look in the biographies of Edith Wharton, or if you read her autobiography A Backward Glance or her letters, you should find plenty of material for Wharton’s side of the interview.
Wharton quotationCould someone complete the following quotation from “The Reef” …”Most wrong-doing works less mischief than…”?Norman 10/6/06
Information on membershipI live in new Delhi, India and am doing my Ph. D on Edith Wharton. I wish to become a member of your society. What would this entitle me to?
There are hardly any libraries here so i would like to access online libraries. Could you let me know about some of the best ones as well as about the subscription?
Where could I access the works of Kathy Fedorko and Carol sapora in particular?
You can find out more about membership at this link, but the Wharton Society doesn’t have special access to online libraries; those are available only through a university–sorry.
International themehi! I’d like to ask for some help.i am researching the international theme (e.g. Europeans vs Americans) in the works of Henry James and Edith Wharton. are there any books written on this subject and are there any sites on the net about this topic? i would be eternily grateful for any help.
thanks a million.
greetings, anja
Anja anjadiz@yahoo.com 6/8/06
Sledding accident articleI am looking for the newspaper artical from The Birkshire Evening Eagle on the Coasting accident in 1904 of a friend of Edith Wharton. I am a student and must have this artical for my English Class. I am running out of time. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it. Thanks, Elizabeth Mann alfchar@crosslink.net 5/31/06 There are at least two print sources for this; see Queries 2006 or search this site under “sledding.”
Newland Archer’s readingHello,I am currently working on my masters thesis, which will focus on “The Age of Innocence” and how Archer is shaped by what he reads (how it contributes to his actions throughout the book.) If anyone knows of any articles or books that touch on this subject, please let me know. Thanks so much! NR
Nancee Reeves nancee_r@hotmail.com5/18/06
Modernity in The Age of InnocenceWhat was Edith Wharton’s response to modernity in ‘The Age Of Innocence’?rob 5/18/06
Idea for Ethan FromeI am a high school student trying to finish a worksheet. If someone could be so kind as to tell me where Edith Wharton got the idea for Ethan Frome, I’d greatly appreciate it. RoyWinterslauciannailo17@yahoo.com 5/18/06 If you look in the 1922 edition (or most subsequent editions) of Ethan Frome, you’ll find Wharton’s explanation as part of her introduction to the volume.
Paintings in Age of InnocenceI´m studying the painting of The age of Innoccence for my tesis in Brazil and I would like to know where can I find some specific information on the paitings?
Patricia 5/18/06
There is a new book out by Emily J. Orlando, Edith Wharton and the Visual Arts, that might have some information for you.
Glimpses of the Moonwhere can i find critism on “the Glimpses of the Moon” by Edith Wharton?
where can i find the background of “the Glimpses of the Moon” by Edith Wharton?Danielle Glovercutiestuff13@yahoo.com 5/8/06
“Expiation”could you eplain exactly what is going on between Mrs. Fetherel and the bishop when she is present for the unveiling of the window in Expiation? I am doing a paper on this.
calli 5/8/06
Original Printing of Ethan FromeI am a student at the University of Cincinnati. I would like to know where the closest original printing of Ethan Frome would be located for a project I am working on in my American Literature Survey course. I have tried ohio link; I have also tried to contact Dan Hefko, someone from the site. Thank you Jason D.4/27/06 Do you mean a print copy of the first edition? Have you tried WorldCat through your library? I checked for you through WorldCat, but of all the Ohio libraries that list this, only Oberlin really has a copy.The “Find in a Library” free service by WorldCat should be useful in this search, but it wasn’t when I tried.D. Campbell


 I have a response for the student who is searching for the 1911 printing of Ethan Frome: The website of The Public library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County <www.cincinnatilibrary.org> reports that it has a total of 44 copies of the 1911 first printing of Ethan Frome available at its main and branch libraries:    “36 copies available at Main Library, Anderson, Corryville, Delhi Township, Elmwood Place, Forest Park, Green Township, Groesbeck, Hyde Park, Loveland, Madeira, Madisonville, Mariemont, Miami Township, Monfort Heights, Mt. Healthy, North Central, Sharonville, Symmes Township, West End, and Westwood.
44 copies total in all locations.” Because of the popularity of Wharton’s work at the time she was publishing and the fact that her writing has endured the test of time, it’s been my experience that public libraries often have at least a few first editions of her more well-known books.   

Best of luck with your project! 

Dan HefkoMidlothian, VA

dhefko@aol.com 5/8/06

Flashbacks in Ethan FromeCan any one help me with the Effects of Flashback and Recreation used in Ethan Frome? Thanks!Nathan, RAdmiralQuincy@aol.com 4/13/06
Wharton’s views of love and marriageI am now writing a paper on Women in Wharton’s Works, I am seeking for Wharton’s view on love and marriage, but it seems that it is a bit difficult for me to find, for in China Wharton is not so popular. I hope if anyone could help me to find any information about that.
My hotmail is amelia_1984@hotmail.com, if you got any useful information, please contact me or email me.Thanks.4/13/06
Specific request for criticismI’m writing a research paper on Edith Wharton’s novels The Age of Innocence and Ethan Frome. My idea is to compare the two and how she used the basic plot of a dissatisfied man (Ethan and Archer) having a restraint on his desired (Mattie and Ellen) and how the wife (Zeena and May) interfere with the desire and how they remain “faithful” to their wives because of society/appearance. My only problem: I NEED VALUABLE AUTHORED RESEARCH! I have found research on Wharton, just nothing that could help back me up on my topic. If anyone could supply some websites (please no books) with this type of info immediately, it’d be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!Oh, and places you need to pay for research (like Questia) won’t really help.


It’s unlikely that you will find any of this on a web site; “valuable authored research” such as books and journals are found in libraries, and subscription databases of published criticism are not free.
Name of this Wharton story?does anyone know the name of a short story that takes place on a cruise ship. There are two women, one of whom has a beautiful daughter. The story ends with a twist: the revelation that the daughter is the child of the other woman’s husband, or something like that. THANKS.Amyamyb1109@hotmail.com  This is the plot of “Roman Fever,” although it takes place in Rome and not on a cruise ship.
Age of Innocence: Irony?can you help me find the greatest irony in the age of innocence?******

i cant come up with a good thesis statement for the irony in the age of innocence, can you help?



Help with deciding topic for M.A. thesisI am a master student and I wanna write a thesis on edith wharton’s short stories. I read some of the stories & I found out that I cannot generalise the subject since each story deals with different subject matters. can you help me to narrow my topic about the stories? a title is necessary for me including all stories urgently. Ihave two weeks to submit my subject to the instructor. banu aldım3/9/06 Since the purpose of a thesis is to demonstrate your knowledge and mastery of the subject, only you and your advisor would know the answer to this. Think about these questions:1. Do you see particular themes, characters, settings, or motifs appearing in several stories?2. How do these elements differ from story to story?
Age of Innocencewhat was the doubled standars in the Age of Innocence?
The idea of a “double standard” usually refers to different standards of sexual morality or purity being applied to men as opposed to the higher standards imposed on women. Can you see where these might exist in The Age of Innocence?
Manuscript of SummerAre there any manuscripts of Summer preserved? Charity2/25/06 A good place to look would be the Finding Aid at the Beinecke Library, available from the Research Resources page at this site.According to that, the manuscript of Summer is there.


Movie of “Roman Fever”
Years ago I have seen a movie made after Edith Wharton’s Roman Fever. I cannot manage to get hold of it. Do you have any info which coul dbe of some help ?Many thanks for your help. JMJacqueline de Matignonjacqueline.de.matignon@devoteam.com
The Filmography doesn’t list one, but if anyone has more information about this, please let us know.
Age of Innocence: Europe vs. New YorkI have a topic to discuss about edith wharton’s “the age of innocence”: europe vs new york “.could you help me?or at least give me a key?adou danieljeanluc@yahoo.fr 2/20/06
SanctuaryI picked the book Sanctuary by Edith Wharton, and am having trouble finding much on it for my report. Do you have any siggestions for where I can find criticisms?Alex surfing_ham@yahoo.com 2-8-06
Summer: A Feminist Novel?Question: Do you consider Edith Wharton’s “Summer” to be a feminist book? If so why?Jessica Roberts 2/8/06
“Souls Belated”: 3rd person omniscient?Is “Souls Belated” in the 3rd person limited or the 3rd person omniscient? Thank you.Marsha McPherson 1-28-06
Scholars on “Xingu”I would like to know if there are any scholars who have written on “Xingu.”N. Nozuenozue@lit.osaka-cu.ac.jp 1-23-06
“Mona Lisa”Question: has anybody interpreted or wrote an essay on the poem “mona lisa”? tammyberlinta@netvision.net.il 1/23/06
Writing as Edith WhartonAs a junior in high school we must write a Junior Author Paper. I have selected Edith Wharton. I am currently writing a creative biography which is part one of this assignment. I am going write letters to people as if I were Edith about important events that have occured in her lifetime. What kind of letters could I write that would demonstrate a clear understanding of her achievements?Alex 1/8/06

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