Category Archives: CFP

Edith Wharton Review: Announcing “Notes On . . .”

Announcing: “Notes On…”

for the Edith Wharton Review (the official refereed journal of the Edith Wharton Society)

Broadening the journal’s practice of including shorter essays alongside full-length scholarly articles, the Edith Wharton Review introduces a regular, ongoing section that aims to give greater visibility to shorter, less formal commentary while also expanding the scope of Wharton-related topics. The new section, entitled “Notes On …” (with a strong emphasis on the ellipses), aims to highlight the joys and inspirations – intellectual, emotional, professional, personal, among other possibilities – that Wharton’s works offer to her readers. “Notes On…” reflects the editors’ interest in the range of epistemologies that we all bring to the reading and teaching of Wharton’s work, and that of her contemporaries. While the journal’s anonymous peer-reviewed articles are crucial to advancing historical and critical scholarship in the fields of literary studies and provide intense gratifications of their own, essays appearing in the “Notes On…” section invite readers and writers to reflect together about the pleasures and challenges of reading, teaching, watching, discovering and thinking with Wharton’s work today. “Notes On…” invites reflections on the illuminating moment in the many forms that it may take in Wharton’s work. The section’s focus – more embodied at times; at times more affective – offers a greater use of the personal voice and formal experimentation than those that appear among the anonymous peer-reviewed articles (submissions to “Notes On …” are peer-reviewed by the editors). Contributions may offer perspectives on teaching a particular novel or range of texts; insights arising from archival work; ruminations upon what it means, or even how it feels, to read Wharton’s work in a particular historical context, place or at different life stages; reviews of and responses to popular culture productions and discussions of Wharton’s work presented in different formats – or any number of other subjects edifying, engaging, and perhaps diverting for our Wharton readers.

Suggested length for submissions is approximately 5-10 pages. Queries about possible topics can be directed to the editor: (, or any one of the associate editors: (; (, (

The journal continues to welcome, with appreciation and enthusiasm, full-length critical, scholarly essays on Wharton for its blind peer-reviewed articles section and is open to all Wharton-related topics from a broad range of theoretical perspectives. Suggested length is approximately 20-30 pages. Enquiries welcome (
Details on submission are available at:

CFP: EWS at MLA (Deadline: March 25, 2024)

Edith Wharton Society Panel 

Modern Language Association Convention

January 9-12 New Orleans

Edith Wharton and the Politics of Visibility

Deadline for Submissions: March 25, 2024 

Accepted presenters must be MLA members by April 7, 2024

The Edith Wharton Society invites papers that explore the Convention theme of Morrison’s metaphor of visibility. 

In this call for papers, we seek to explore the multifaceted theme of visibility through the lens of Edith Wharton’s writings including her novels, short fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and plays. Building upon Toni Morrison’s metaphor of “invisible ink,” we aim to uncover the hidden layers of Wharton’s texts and examine the practices that make visible the aspects of society, culture, and identity that have been buried, obstructed, or marginalized.

We invite submissions that engage with the following themes and topics, among others:

  1. Visibility and Power Dynamics
  2. Social, Political, and Cultural Dimensions of Visibility
  3. Visibility and Marginalized Communities
  4. Academic Visibility and Censorship
  5. Visibility and Disability Studies
  6. Unmasking Practices and Disrupted Binaries
  7. Visual and Material Culture in Wharton’s World

We welcome interdisciplinary approaches and diverse methodological perspectives. 

Abstracts of no more than 300 words and a brief bio should be submitted by March 25, 2024 to

Margaret Jay Jessee, PhD

CFP: Wharton and Digital Pedagogy

Dear all,

Edith Wharton Review is seeking contributions on digital pedagogy for its “Teaching Notes” section on teaching Edith Wharton and her contemporaries. 

We are interested in case studies that highlight the value of including digital tools (e. g. for collaboration, annotation, or analysis) in literary and cultural studies classrooms and that illustrate specific assignments, tools, and practices of digital pedagogy (broadly understood) for helping students engage with Edith Wharton’s writing, or which help to contextualize her in the context of literary and cultural history. This section of the journal seeks to bring a refreshing perspective to academic writing by encouraging contributors to infuse their research with a personal touch and share experiences from their classrooms.

Essays are accepted on a rolling basis, should be approximately 3000 words long, and in accordance with MLA guidelines. 

We welcome inquiries at

Information on the journal is available here:

All the best,


Prof. Dr. Katrin Horn (she/her)

Universität Greifswald – Anglophone Gender Studies

CFP Extended Deadline (January 28, 2024): EW Sessions at ALA

Please see the CFP below with an extended deadline of January 28th

American Literature Association

35th Annual Conference

May 23-26 2024

The Palmer House Hilton
17 East Monroe Street
Chicago, IL 60603

CFP Edith Wharton and Emotion

The Edith Wharton Society invites papers that explore Wharton’s engagement with emotion/feelings/affect in her works. Panelists are encouraged to consider the role of emotion in her writing on design, gardens, and travel as well as her novels and stories. All theoretical approaches are welcome. Proposals might consider (but are not limited to) the following questions:

  • What does emotion mean or how is it constituted in Wharton’s work?
  • How do questions of sentiment, affect, or sensation inflect Wharton’s perspectives on emotion?
  • How does affect relate to aesthetics in Wharton’s works?
  • What is the role of feeling in Wharton’s texts? 
  • How are Wharton’s characters affected by sentiment?
  • How is emotion gendered, raced, or classed in Wharton’s work?
  • What is the relationship between emotion and cosmopolitan taste in Wharton’s texts?

Please submit a 250-300 word abstract and a brief CV by January 28, 2024 to Margaret Jay Jessee ( Please include any requests for AV needs in your proposal. Scholars whose proposals are accepted must be members in good standing of the Edith Wharton Society by the time of the conference.

Happy New Year to the Edith Wharton Society Members

Dear Members of the Edith Wharton Society,

I would like to extend my heartfelt wishes for a happy and healthy new year to you all. Thanks to your scholarship on Edith Wharton, your commitment to the Edith Wharton Society, and your support to the Society’s work, we have kept our community strong and we hope to continue doing so in 2024. Let me take this opportunity to celebrate your work and to mark important endeavors for this year. 

We are delighted to join forces with the Transatlantic Literary Women for the Edith Wharton Birthday Talk next week (January 24, 5:00 pm UK/ Noon EST). Upon Laura Rattray’s unfailing initiative, this talk has become a wonderful tradition. This year, we are excited to welcome Prof. Gary Totten (U of Nevada, Las Vegas), well-known Wharton scholar, who will talk on “Edith Wharton’s Geographical Imagination: Notes from the Travel Writing.” You can find more information and the Zoom link directly below:

This year has started with the EWS panel at the MLA conference; chaired by Melanie Dawson, the panel featured presentations on Wharton and Celebration by Fred Wegener and Gary Totten. The call for papers for next year’s MLA will be published in February (please send proposals!). Our Vice-President, Jay Jessee, organized two fantastic panels on Wharton and Beauty at last year’s ALA conference in Boston and is planning more on Wharton and Emotion at this year’s ALA in Chicago (May 23-26, 2024). Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you are interested in organizing a Wharton-themed panel at a future conference (e.g., the regional MLAs, such as SAMLA/PAMLA). It’s been a long time since our Society has gathered at a dedicated conference and we are doing our best to make it happen in the next few years.

Along with conferences and talks, the Edith Wharton Review remains a great forum for Wharton scholarship. I am grateful to Rita Bode’s gracious editorship and to you all for supporting not only established but also new voices in Wharton Studies. The EWR heartily welcomes submissions not only of traditional articles but also shorter pieces, e.g., reflections on teaching Wharton, archival finds, digital scholarship, and other work that might be of interest to our readership. 

Each year, we are delighted to offer three awards (Undergraduate Research Essay; Elsa Nettels Award for Beginning Scholar; Archival Research), which support Wharton scholarship tremendously. This year, we are proposing to establish a new award to sustain mid-career research on Wharton. The call for awards will be published in February and the deadline for submissions will be June 30, 2024.

None of the above would have been possible without your contributions and support. Please do take a moment to renew your membership to the Society, which includes a yearly subscription to the Edith Wharton Review and access to previous articles via the Scholarly Publishing Collective.

If you can, please consider making a donation. Even a little bit helps these endeavors so much. A few months ago, upon the initiative of the tireless Julie Olin-Ammentorp, we established a fund for the upkeep of Edith Wharton’s and—if funds allow— Walter Berry’s graves. Thank you so much for raising USD 605.02 already! Please consider making a donation to this initiative, so that we can make it happen by the end of this year. 

We have a lot to look forward to but also a lot to be thankful for. On my part, I wish to thank the EWS Board for their generosity and support but also YOU for making me feel part of a collegial, rewarding, and exciting community all over the world. I will see you off with a fabulous podcast on The Age of Innocence by Prof. Emily Orlando: 

and I hope to see you all at Gary’s talk on Wharton’s birthday next week!

With my warmest wishes,

Myrto—Myrto Drizou

Associate Professor of English

Faculty of Education and Arts

Nord University

Bodø 8026, Norway

CFP for ALA Chicago: Edith Wharton and Emotion (deadline 2024.01.10)

American Literature Association

35th Annual Conference

May 23-26 2024

The Palmer House Hilton
17 East Monroe Street
Chicago, IL 60603

CFP Edith Wharton and Emotion

The Edith Wharton Society invites papers that explore Wharton’s engagement with emotion/feelings/affect in her works. Panelists are encouraged to consider the role of emotion in her writing on design, gardens, and travel as well as her novels and stories. All theoretical approaches are welcome. Proposals might consider (but are not limited to) the following questions:

  • What does emotion mean or how is it constituted in Wharton’s work?
  • How do questions of sentiment, affect, or sensation inflect Wharton’s perspectives on emotion?
  • How does affect relate to aesthetics in Wharton’s works?
  • What is the role of feeling in Wharton’s texts?
  • How are Wharton’s characters affected by sentiment?
  • How is emotion gendered, raced, or classed in Wharton’s work?
  • What is the relationship between emotion and cosmopolitan taste in Wharton’s texts?

Please submit a 250-300 word abstract and a brief CV by January 10, 2024 to Margaret Jay Jessee ( Please include any requests for AV needs in your proposal. Scholars whose proposals are accepted must be members in good standing of the Edith Wharton Society by the time of the conference.

Call for items: New Books and Articles Week at the EWS site

The EWS site will be holding its annual “New Books and Articles Week” featuring books and articles on Wharton this year for books and articles published in 2022 and 2023. Each book or article received will have an individual post on the EWS site until all the materials received have been posted (even if that’s longer than a week).

If you’ve published a new book or article (or an interview you’ve given, etc.) about Wharton in 2022 or 2023, please send me ( or information that can be copied & pasted to the site along with an abstract or link by June 26, 2023.  


    Donna Campbell

Call for Submissions: Edith Wharton Review

Edith Wharton Review, the peer-reviewed, MLA-indexed, scholarly journal of the Edith Wharton Society, welcomes submissions on Edith Wharton, Wharton in the context of other authors, and literary and cultural trends, and Wharton in relation to other writers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries from a broad range of theoretical perspectives including transmedial approaches. 

The Review also invites shorter contributions to a “Teaching Notes” section that includes both traditional and digital methodologies, archival notes, review essays (for example, on little-read works by Wharton, or considerations of her status in contemporary culture) and book reviews pertaining directly to Wharton or contextualizing her work in some way. For these shorter articles, please query the editor as listed below.

The journal strives to include work by scholars across all stages of academic careers (including independent scholars).

The Review is published twice a year and accepts submissions on a rolling basis, but end of August and end of February submission dates will ensure consideration for the next issue. 

Please contact Rita Bode ( with queries, and see  for submission details.

CFP: Wharton Panels at SAMLA (Deadline: July 30, 2023)

Please consider participating in our guaranteed panel at the next SAMLA conference taking place Thursday, November 9 to Saturday, November 11, 2023 at the Atlanta Marriott Buckhead Hotel & Conference Center. The CFP is below. Please submit a 300-500 word abstract and 1-page CV by July 30, 2023.

The Edith Wharton Society invites papers for the South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference (SAMLA 95) to be held at the Atlanta Marriott Buckhead Hotel & Conference Center, Atlanta, Georgia, November 9-11, 2023. We encourage papers that explore the conference theme for this year (In)Security: The Future of Literature and Language Studies. Contributions may address any of the wide range of ways that Wharton’s work speaks to the 2020s with its pandemics, human migration, environmental challenges, increased surveillance, and (geo)political conflicts. How does reading Wharton’s literature through the lens of in/security shape our insights? We also welcome papers beyond this topic that contribute to our understanding Edith Wharton and her contexts. Please submit a 300-500 word abstract and one page CV by to Mary Carney, University of Georgia,

Thank you,


Margaret Jay Jessee, PhD

Updated deadline: Edith Wharton and Celebration (Proposals due March 20, 2023)

Dear colleagues and friends,

Let me take this opportunity to refresh the call for papers for the EWS panel at the next Modern Language Association (MLA) Conference in Philadelphia (January 4-7, 2024). The deadline for proposals has been extended to March 20, 2023; please do consider submitting a proposal and sharing the call with interested parties.

With many thanks and all my good wishes,



Edith Wharton Society CFP (MLA 2024)–Edith Wharton and Celebration

The EWS invites proposals on any form of celebration in Wharton’s work (music; performance; dance; emotion; dis/enchantment; play; commemoration; recovery; communal sentiment; rituals of joy and sorrow, e.g., weddings, funerals).

Please submit titled proposals (approx. 350 words) and a brief CV by March 20, 2023 to Myrto Drizou ( Please include any requests for AV needs in your proposal. Scholars whose proposals are accepted must be members in good standing of the Edith Wharton Society by the time of the conference.