2010-05-28 ALA

Wharton Society Business Meeting, ALA, May 28, 2010

  1. Margaret Murray called the meeting to order at 11:00 AM.
  2. Meredith Goldsmith reported on the conference preparations for Italy 2012. As was discussed online, Marist College has offered the Wharton Society the use of their Florence campus for the second week of June 2012. Co-organizers, Meredith and Emily Orlando, plan to present a conference budget at the MLA business meeting. The theme of the conference will be the sesquicentennial of Wharton’s birth. Meredith asked that anyone with suggestions for keynote speakers please contact her or Emily.
  3. Margaret made two announcements of awards offered by the Wharton Society:
  4. The Edith Wharton Essay contest ($250) for emerging scholars (2010 deadline was April 30)
  5. The Edith Wharton Collection Research Award ($1500) for travel to the Wharton Collection at Yale’s Beinecke Library (2010 deadline was March 15)
  6. Margaret asked for panel suggestions for next year’s ALA conference. One panel will be organized by the vice-president and one panel topic will be chosen from submissions (to be voted on by the executive board). Those interested in submitting panel topics should do so through the Society website. Meredith proposed the topic of “The Horrors of Realism” for next year’s ALA.
  7. Donna Campbell asked about the progress of arrangements to have The Edith Wharton Review available through EBSCO. Margaret will ask Hildegard Hoeller and report back.
  8. It has been proposed that back issues of The Edith Wharton Review be scanned and saved as PDF files and be made available on the Society website. Gary Totten will ask the executive board for approval to hire a graduate student to do the scanning.
  9. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM.


Respectfully submitted by Gary Totten

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