2012-05-25 ALA

Minutes from the EWS Board Meeting, ALA 5.25. 12, 2 p.m.

Meredith took minutes as Emily’s proxy.

In attendance: Gary Totten (Pres, EWS), Meredith Goldsmith (V-P, EWS), Paul Ohler (incumbent Secretary), and Carol Singley.

There were three main topics of the discussion: the upcoming elections, ALA 2013, and Edith Wharton’s grave.

1.       Paul Ohler has graciously accepted the nomination for secretary. In January 2013, Gary will step down as President, Meredith will b/c President, and Emily Vice-President. After two years, Emily will assume the Presidency and Paul the Vice-Presidency. Forthcoming elections for the Board will occur by mail; Gary will check by-laws to confirm procedure.

2.       Emily will choose a topic for one of the panels for ALA 2013; Gary will issue a general call to generate topics for the other EWS panel.

3.       We briefly discussed the condition of Wharton’s grave in Versailles and whether/how the Society should get contribute to its preservation (Sharon Shaloo sent us useful photos). Meredith has done some prelim research into contacting the cemetery staff in Versailles; apparently grave-diggers are civil servants in France and there is a particular technical vocabulary involved. A colleague of Meredith’s is willing to help draft the letter when we are ready to communicate with them.

The meeting was adjourned at ~2:30 p.m.

Amended 7.6.—Sharon Kehl Califano has also graciously accepted a nomination for the Board.

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