2003-05-22 ALA

Edith Wharton Society Business Meeting
Thursday May 22, 2003

1. Sharon Shaloo gave updates on the organization of the London Conference in Roehampton.
2. Irene Goldman-Price gave a brief presentation on the necessity of revising the society’s constitution in light of the upcoming seven-year review by the MLA; she volunteered to be the facilitator of such a revision. In particular the following issues were mentioned:

• clarification of the terms and duties of officers and members
• election process
• which committees should be standing, which should not

Discussion brought out that the actual work of revision has to be done at the MLA, but that we need to gather ideas and suggestions beforehand so that they can be voted on at the MLA

3. Announcements
Frederick Wegener brought up the idea of a Festschrift for R.W.B.Lewis either in book form or as a special issue of the Edith Wharton Review. When asked, Alan Price said that he might consider being editor of a special issue version.
Members requested that Melissa Pennell stay on as an executive board member; she agreed.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 am.

Respectfully submitted,
Hildegard Hoeller, secretary

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