2003-12-28 MLA

Minutes: Edith Wharton Society Business Meeting
MLA 2003
Sun., Dec. 28, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 2:35 p.m. In attendance were Julie Olin-Ammentorp, President; Augusta Rohrbach, Past President; Carole Shaffer-Koros, Treasurer and Editor of The Edith Wharton Review; Laura Saltz, member at large of the Wharton Society Executive Board; and about seven other members of the Wharton Society. (Some non-members were also present, and participated as allowed by the Constitution.)

The first item of business was the presentation of proposed amendments to the Wharton Society Constitution. A handout including a summary of changes and the constitution with proposed amendments had been distributed before the beginning of the meeting. Julie Olin-Ammentorp touched on highlights of the changes. She asked for any questions and discussion; beyond a clarification of markings within the handout, there was no further discussion. The amendments were approved 9 (in favor), 1 (opposed) of members voting.

The second item of business was voting on new members of the Executive Board. Olin-Ammentorp thanked outgoing members of the board, who were Janet Beer, Harriet Gold, Melissa Pennell, and Irene Goldman-Price. She also presented the Executive Board’s nominations for at-large members: Edie Thornton (nominated by Laura Saltz, who provided Edie’s credentials); Charlotte Rich (nominated by Donna Campbell; nomination written by Donna Campbell, and read by Julie Olin-Ammentorp); and Irene Goldman-Price (nominated by Julie Olin-Ammentorp). Olin-Ammentorp asked for nominations from the floor, but there were none. After the nominations were moved and seconded, members voted them into office unanimously.

The third item of business was the selection of topics for next year’s MLA panels. Several fine topics were proposed, after brief discussion, Frederick Wegener’s topic, “Edith Wharton and Secrets” (presented in his absence by Olin-Ammentorp) was selected by a vote of those present. Olin-Ammentorp, as president of the Society, will choose a second topic.

Finally, Olin-Ammentorp announced the next conference to be sponsored by the Wharton Society. This will be a celebration of the centenary of Wharton’s novel The House of Mirth, and will be held in late June, 2005. A call for papers was distributed.

Olin-Ammentorp thanked everyone present for their attendance, participation, and efficient work.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Julie Olin-Ammentorp Secretary pro tem


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